Savvy Donors Do Good Well
Many generous people donate to charities but then aren’t sure if it’s money well spent.
Life is too short to donate to charity wasters and fakers. And it’s just plain wrong that weak charities waste donated money and fake charities steal donated money.
At, we help generous people be Savvy Donors.
Savvy Donors know how to find strong charities and avoid charity wasters and fakers.
Savvy Donors know whether their donated money is well spent. Savvy Donors do good well!
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Are You a Savvy Donor?
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%%FIRST%%, how many charities do you donate to in a typical year?
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1 to 5.
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%%FIRST%%, what portion of donation requests do you typically say yes to?
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More than half.
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%%FIRST%%, what (if anything) concerns you about charitable giving?
It’s your money and your time. You don’t want to waste it. When you do good, you want to do good well.
Are you concerned about one or more aspects of charitable giving? People report concerns about charity fundraising, spending, advertising, performance, results, communication, inadequate or excess charity reserves, standards, impact or transparency.
What (if anything) concerns you about charitable giving?
Share your thoughts below:
Do you see the difference between social and cause-related giving, %%FIRST%%?
Social giving: Giving to a charity supported by a friend or colleague -- even if the charity isn't working on a cause that matters to you -- can be part of being social.
Cause-related giving: Giving to a charity working on a cause that matters personally to you.
Tip: A savvy donor allocates a portion of their giving budget (for example, 5% or 20%) to social giving. The remainder would be for cause-related giving (to causes the donor cares about).
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%%FIRST%%, do you have a donor-advised account or fund?
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%%FIRST%%, do you confirm the identity of the group before you donate?
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Do you keep track of your donations, %%FIRST%%?
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%%FIRST%%, do you have and use an annual giving budget?
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%%FIRST%%, does your annual giving budget distinguish between social and cause-related giving?
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%%FIRST%%, do you research the charity's performance before you make a cause-related donation?
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%%FIRST%%, how many nonprofits are included in the IRS nonprofit list? (Pick the closest)
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2.3 million
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%%FIRST%%, has reports on what portion of the nonprofits on the IRS nonprofit list? (Choose the closest)
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44 percent
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Have you figured out which types of causes matter most to you, %%FIRST%%?
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Do you focus your giving on those causes, %%FIRST%%?
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%%FIRST%%, imagine you suddenly received $1-million that you HAD to give away to charity within 90 days. How would you choose the charity or charities?
The money you received must be given to charity. You have 90 days to give it away.
Choose the one answer that best describes how you would proceed.
Ask my friends.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsGive to the first charities I find or hear about.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsGive to charities working on causes I care about.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsGive to charities doing strong work on causes I care about.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsHire a consultant to find charities for me, and pay the consultant from my own money.
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Congratulations %%FIRST_NAME%% -- your quiz results show you're a Kind Donor.
You're generous. You want to make the world better, and you donate to help make that happen. Charities depend on individual and family donations for a huge portion of their support. You help them.
Your quiz results email should arrive soon. Moving forward, I'll send you ideas, tools and info to help you become a Careful Donor who gets even better results from their generous giving.
Thanks for taking the quiz,
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Congratulations %%FIRST_NAME%% -- your quiz results show you're a Careful Donor.
You're generous. You want to make the world better, and you donate to help make that happen. Charities depend on individual and family donations for a huge portion of their support. You help them.
You're careful. Careful Donors dig into organization identities before they give, keep track of their giving and even make and follow an annual giving budget. They see the difference between social giving and cause-related giving.
You're doing awesome work!
Your quiz results email should arrive soon. Moving forward, I'll send you ideas, tools and info to help you become a Savvy Donor who gets even better results from their generous giving.
Thanks for taking the quiz,
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You're generous. You want to make the world better, and you donate to help make that happen. Charities depend on individual and family donations for a huge portion of their support. You help them.
You're careful. Careful Donors dig into organization identities before they give, keep track of their giving and even make and follow an annual giving budget. They see the difference between social giving and cause-related giving.
You're doing awesome work!
Your quiz results email should arrive soon. Moving forward, I'll send you ideas, tools and info to help you become a Savvy Donor who gets even better results from their generous giving.
Thanks for taking the quiz,
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Congratulations %%FIRST_NAME%% -- your quiz results show you're a Savvy Donor.
You're generous. You want to make the world better, and you donate to help make that happen. Charities depend on individual and family donations for a huge portion of their support. You help them.
You're careful. Careful Donors dig into organization identities before they give, keep track of their giving and even make and follow an annual giving budget. They see the difference between social giving and cause-related giving.
And even better, you're savvy! Savvy Donors find and support strong charities -- they avoid charity fakers and wasters. They focus their giving on causes they care about.
You're doing awesome work!
Your quiz results email should arrive soon. Moving forward, I'll send you ideas, tools and info to help you continue as a Savvy Donor who gets even better results from their generous giving.
Thanks for taking the quiz,
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%%FIRST_NAME%% -- Way to go !!!
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Be a Savvy Donor (3 steps)
Step 1
Take the DonorType Quiz (above) and see if you’re already a Savvy Donor
Step 2
Join in and you’ll get ideas, tools and info to help you become or be a Savvy Donor
Step 3
As a Savvy Donor, you’ll find and support strong charities. You’ll avoid wasters and fakers. You’ll know you’re doing good well