Savvy Donor Resources
We’ve rounded up a bunch of our favorite resources. Consider bookmarking this page for your reference and convenience when you’re doing charity-related research.
Nonprofit and Charity Research
- Do your CharityCheck to identify the organization and find its tax status and EIN (employer identification number).
- Dig further with the top free charity research websites to find out more about an organization’s mission, operations and finances.
- The EIN is the gateway to information about a nonprofit, with the organization’s IRS Form 990 being the first place to look. Find a Charity IRS Form 990 super-fast and free
Savvy Donors Tools
- The Best Charities for You – a Savvy Donors guide
- Are you a savvy donor? Take the Quiz
- Fight the flood of charity mail and email
- The most important cause for you
- Define your charity “bulls-eye”
- Budget your annual giving
- Keep track of your giving
- Smart and Easy Ways to Leave Gifts to Charity (planned giving / legacy gifts)
- Five habits of Savvy Donors
- Tax-free IRA donations are Smart!
Volunteers and Taxes
Donor-Advised Funds
IRS Rules and Requirements
These donor resources can help you learn about the IRS rules and requirements related to charitable giving.
Consumer Protection Help
These government donor resources can help you with consumer protection matters.
Books on Philanthropy
- Inspired Philanthropy, by Tracy Gary
- Leap of Reason, by Mario Morino
- Stop Acting Rich … and Start Living Like a Real Millionaire, by Thomas J. Stanley
- Toxic Charity – How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help, by Robert D. Lupton
- Start Something That Matters, by Blake Mycoskie
- Social Entrepreneurship – What Everyone Needs to Know, by David Bornstein and Susan Davis